Polio stricken Khoo Teik Ee has been a faithful servant to the Penang Christian Cemeteries Association (PCCA).
Upon his retirement recently, PCCA showed its appreciation for his service with a simple ceremony to thank the long serving treasurer.
Khoo had served PCCA since 2003 but had to retire due to health reasons.
PCCA chairman, Charles Lee along with the state assemblywoman for Sungei Pinang, Lim Siew Kim and committee members presented with a plaque and cheque in appreciation of his dedicated service.
YB Lim commended Khoo for his dedication to the association and also the old people’s home.
“It is an honour to witness this occasion. Despite his mobility challenges, Brother Khoo never complains but instead soldiers on in his service to the elderly and the community. (Khoo suffers from lifelong paralysis due to polio).” added Lim.
At the same ceremony PCCA presented Grace Harmony Home with a RM3,000 cheque in honour of Khoo and also as the association’s social community work.
Khoo is the chairman of Grace Harmony Home, which was founded in 2011 to provide free shelter, food, lodging and medical care for the destitute elderly in Penang Island.
Residents of the home are the elderly who are without dependents, either abandoned by their children or family.
The home requires RM15,000 monthly to cover its expenses and relies solely on public funding.
Penang Christian Cemeteries Association is a non-profit organisation that was established in 1975 with the intention of providing burial grounds and funeral facilities for the Christian community in Penang.
To-date the association manages more than six thousand five hundred niches at the Western Road Christian Cemetery in Penang Island, and close to four acres of burial land at Praise Memorial Park in Jawi. It is the only association in Penang dedicated to overseeing and managing Christian burial land and inurnment.
Those who wish to contribute to Grace Harmony Home may email them at psccahome@gmail.com or credit to the home’s Public Bank account number 316 2121 207 in favour of Persatuan Penyayang Warga Tua Pulau Pinang.
Penang Christian Cemeteries Association is a non-profit organisation and can be contacted via their social media account:facebook.com/pccapenang