Maik with his birthday cake
By V. Sivaji
Every year, German national Maik Staudte makes his “pilgrimage” to Penang without fail except for the three years of lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic.
His love for the Pearl of the Orient actually started in 2011 when he was based in Alor Star with the Continental Tyre AS plant there.
During his off days, he used to come over to the island to enjoy the great food, weather and good companionship.
“I like the people and the weather here. The people are warm and friendly while the weather is always nice and warm.
“Although I had to return to Germany after my working stint here, I always miss my trips here.
“Over the years, I have also made some good friends who always keep in touch even when I am in Germany.
“This arrangement also works well for me as I celebrate my birthday in December, So, what better way to invite my friends here for a fine dinner and camaraderie.
“On several occasions, I have also visited Langkawi to spend some time there. I have to thank my friend who is the general manager of the Star City Hotel in Alor Star, Eugene Dass, who has helped tremendously to make my stay here a pleasant and memorable one.
“He was among my first friends here as I was put up in his hotel for more than a year. But now, I already have a bigger circle of friends in Penang and in Malaysia,” said Maik to Penang Hyperlocal.
He will also spend the New Year celebration in Penang at the G Hotel as in previous years.
Come 2024, it will be time for him to return home to Germany for work till we see him next December.

Maik with his friends here, Eugene and Vincent Cheah