By V. Sivaji 

The 21st International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET) Conference, hosted by WorldFish and the Department of Fisheries Malaysia, officially commenced yesterday at the St. Giles Wembley Penang Hotel here.

This biennial conference, held in Asia for the first time since 2008, brings together global experts to discuss “Aquatic Food Systems in the Blue Economy”

The conference focuses on the intersection of fisheries and aquaculture economics and trade with major global challenges, including food system sustainability, rising economic and social inequality, the climate crisis, and the possibility of future pandemics.

Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Food Security Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup was the guest of honour. 

“Hosting this prestigious conference in Malaysia holds profound significance for us. It reflects Malaysia’s commitment and dedication towards sustainable development in the fisheries sector and serves as an important component of our blue economy. Malaysia is a maritime nation surrounded by coastlines with all 13 states having coastal and access to the ocean. Malaysia also sits on one of the busiest trade routes in the world – The Straits of Malacca.

“Our livelihood and survival depend to a great extent on the health and sustainability of our aquatic environment and its resources. Such a complex endeavour requires holistic planning and effective execution. Malaysia recognizes this and is therefore currently developing our blue economy blueprint to ensure sustainability and conservation remains part of our country’s agenda.

“This sector also supports 148,000 of our fishermen and aquaculture farmers”, he said 

“We are delighted to host IIFET 2024 in Penang, a city that embodies innovation and sustainability”, said Director General of WorldFish, Dr. Essam Yassin Mohammed. “This conference is a vital platform for exchanging knowledge and forging collaborations that will shape the future of aquatic food systems within the blue economy. Together, we can drive sustainable practices that ensure food security and shared prosperity for communities worldwide.”

“The conference features an extensive program, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops focusing on four novel sub-themes:
• The Economics of Food and Nutrition Security
• Ocean and Inland Water – Distributional Justice
• Governing for Resilience in Aquatic Food Systems
• Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Trade Futures

During the conference, over 200 national and international delegates will engage with these themes through various sessions, fostering a collaborative environment for sharing innovative solutions and best practices.

One of the participants, Dr Hiroki Wakamatsu from Japan even brought along his one-year son to the conference. He is attached with the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Tokyo. 

“My wife has also come along with me on this trip. This is the first time we are visiting Penang and Malaysia”, he added.

Other foreign representatives were Domingos da Conceicao dos Santos, Secretary of State for Fisheries, Timor-Leste, Dr Davies Mukwabi Makila, Acting Director of Blue Economy in the State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries, Kenya, Opuama Paul Apoy, Deputy Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Nigeria, Yeo Moi Eim, Senior Director of Fisheries Biosecurity, Malaysia, Dr Olivier Thébaud, President, IIFET, Dr Hirotsugu Uchida, President-Elect, IIFET, Kat Goetting, Executive Director, IIFET, Dr Eddie Allison Organizing and Scientific Committee Chair, IIFET 2024 Conference  and DrPalesa Sekhejane, Director of Strategic Partnerships and Stakeholders, South African Human Sciences Research Council.

The gathering of foreign and local delegates ends on Saturday, July 19.

Hiroki with his kid