St Giles Wembley team

By V.  Sivaji 

The management and staff of The St Giles Wembley Hotel here in Georgetown distributed bubur lambuk to passersby along Magazine Road.

The corporate social responsibility (CSR) project was led by general manager Dato Tony Goh and his team.

Goh is also the chairman of the Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) Penang Chapter.

The initiative was through the Wembley Cititel Express Sports and Welfare Club whose president is Shakeer Ahmad from the sales department.

Lending hand were representative from all of the various departments from the hotel. Several tourists were also presented with the bubur lambuk.   

The free distribution started from 4.30pm to 5.30pm. 

A total of 100 packers were given away on a first come first served basis. The busy traffic flow made it even easier for the distribution as all of the bubur lambuk were snapped up in a short while. 

Syabas to the St Giles Wembley Hotel for carrying out the community enrichment project in view of the upcoming Hari Raya celebrations.