By V.  Sivaji

Penang’s durian season is up and running again leading to the “Durian Tourism” for Penang  

Not only locals are thronging the durian stalls, it is also tourists who are making the rounds. 

To cater for this surge in demand, several pop up stalls have been set up along the Macalister Road, Penang Road and the latest at the corner of the Larut Road and Hutton Lane in Georgetown (69 Durian Station). 

There are also ample car park bays in this vicinity plus neatly laid out tables and chairs for customers. 

Droves of people be it couples and whole families can be seen enjoying the fruit to their heart’s delight. 

Among the various varieties on offer are the Musang King, D24, Black Thorn, Hor Lor, Tupai King, D14, Kapri, Tekka and the lot. 

Expert durian salesmen are on standby to help customers with their choices of durian. 

Armed with gloves and knives, these salesmen make opening the durian easy work. 

Even the Penang State Exco for Tourism and Creative Economy YB Wong Hon Wai welcomed the arrival of visitors and tourists to enjoy our durians.

“We also welcome Chinese tourists to Penang and enjoy our durians which are tasty and more importantly, they are fresh from the farms”, he said.

If you are a durian enthusiast, be sure to drop by these outlets to savour the taste of Penang’s durian.