Pertubuhan Pusat Jagaan Vallalar Pulau Pinang is calling on kind hearted individuals and corporations to assist them to meet the overhead and operational cost of their shelter.

Currently, they care for some 26 elderly folk who have been abandoned by their families or are homeless.

They are assisted by four workers who tend to the daily needs of the old folks.

The home was founded by some good samaritans in 2015 and registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) in 2021.

Their present chairman is Ravi Tandathabani who has devoted his time, effort and money to upkeep the centre.

On many occasions, he has personally gone around Georgetown looking out for these “abandoned” elderly folk loitering around the city and brought them back to the centre.

They are normally taken back and given a good bath and provided with meals to eat. Some who are in need of medical attention are also provided with medical assistance.

Among the daily activities of the residents of the home are firstly to ensure self cleanliness, homeopathy medical treatment when necessary, motivational and counselling sessions.

They are also encouraged to exercise within the compound of the centre and also given time to watch television programmes. 

Presently, there are some good hearted individuals contributing in cash and kind for the upkeep and maintenance of the home.

Any form of charitable assistance is welcomed for the home. The home is located at No: 8052, Medan Batu Maung 8, Batu Maung, 11960, Pulau Pinang.