By V.  Sivaji 

Italian mixologist Mattia Coppo was back at the Eastern & Oriental Hotel to showcase his talents in making great cocktails.

This time around he showcased two new creations at the workshop – the “Sbagliato Rosato” and the “Mattia Old Pal”.

Both cocktails are a composition of the age-old Italian liqueur, Cocchi Americano Bianco and the Cocchi Americano Rosa and with a heritage from 1891.

In keeping with his freestyle way of making his cocktails, Mattia keeps his technique simple and quite straightforward. There is no tossing and flipping of bottles or glasses.

“Both cocktails are quick and easy to prepare for your friends or family. Anyway, I always look forward to coming back to Penang as I simply love the weather here”. he added. 

Since his last trip here, he has been to Europe and the United States to promote his skills.

While guests had a chance to savour Coppo’s cocktails, he always made his way to mix and mingle with them.

The fine evening was topped up with some fine snacks put out by the hotel’s food & beverage team

Finest Italian liqueur goes into the cocktails