The Gleneagles Hospital Penang and the Penang Shine Like Stars Association have joined forces to raise awareness about autism and provide support for special needs children.
Together, they proudly present “Ocean of Star”, a captivating monodrama meticulously crafted to nurture empathy and harmony within our community.
Through this powerful theatrical experience, Gleneagles Hospital Penang aims to shine a light on the challenges faced by individuals with special needs, fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society.
Members of the public are encouraged to join this enlightening journey while celebrating the resilience and uniqueness of every shining star.
Event Details: – Title : Ocean of Star – Monodrama
Dates/Time :19/04/2024 (Friday) at 8.00pm
– 20/04/2024 (Saturday) at 3.00pm & 8.00pm
– 21/04/2024 (Sunday) at 3.00pm
Venue : 18th Floor Auditorium, Gleneagles Hospital Penang
Price : RM50 per ticket (all proceeds will benefit the Penang Shine Like Stars Association)
Language : Mandarin & Hokkien (with English subtitles)
Highlight of the Monodrama:
This monodrama offers a poignant narrative that sheds light on the everyday realities experienced by families with special needs, aiming to cultivate empathy and unity within our community. It serves as a platform to promote empathy and understanding for families with
autism within our community while aiming to raise additional funds for the association.
Through its compelling narrative and engaging performance, it seeks to highlight the challenges faced by these families and inspire compassion and support from the audience.
All funds and proceeds from the monodrama will be channelled directly to the association to further support their vital initiatives.
Link to Purchase:
To purchase tickets, please click on the link below: