Missing out on your fix of durians due to the EMCO or MCO ?
Fret no more as now, you can get them delivered right to your doorstep.
Even better, as Nutricrop Agro will deliver to their clients in the mainland and Penang Island free of charge.
They offer the “Chini” variety of durians which are known to be sweet and creamy. The price is RM25 per kg.
For clients in Kuala Lumpur, they will also deliver if the quantity is ample.
“We guarantee the quality of the durians we supply and since stocks are limited, it is on a “first come first serve” basis.
“I used to work as a property agent before but when the business went badly I went back home to talk to my dad who offered some sound advice” said Lim Jit Shen, 30.
He heeded his father’s advice and started to go visit his family owned rubber estate with durian trees in Kulim which was his “playground” during his younger days.
“One thing led to another and soon me and several of my friends who later became my partners ventured into durian supply business.
“As for the durian venture, I initially went to seek the advice of my granduncle also known as the durian king Tan Eow Chong. He managed to put us in the right direction.

“He taught us how to plant durian trees and how to sell. He is a real hands-on kind of guy. He even forbade us from wearing gloves when we pick and open the durian so that we learn the hard way.
“We learned well and things started to take a positive turn, then we started to sell durians by the side of the road and also from a rented shop in the same area,” added Lim.
They also started their Facebook page to promote their business. Those keen to try the durians can call 017-602-0654 to make your orders.