By V. Sivaji
Firefly Airlines is taking sustainability to the next level by going green and showing its love for mother earth by leading simple efforts to protect the environment.
Having its logo changed from orange to green earlier this week for a week-long campaign, the airline has attracted much attention from the public who were clueless of the sudden change.

Having a fleet of 12 ATR 72-500 series, the airline takes its share of responsibility in preserving the environment and continues to improve its environmental footprints moving forward.
“We are operating aircraft that the structures are made of approximately 20 per cent of composites, which helps reduce fuel burn and emissions.
“In short, ATRs are known to be more environmentally friendly compared to jets as they emit lesser CO2. This means that ATRs would be a better option in order to reduce the negative impacts on our environment.

“With climate change being a huge concern to many of us, it is only right to practice and encourage habits that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles, which can then help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations,” said Firefly CEO, Philip See.
Firefly Airlines is also planning to carry out more ‘green initiatives’ this year to keep the ball rolling. Being the first full-service airline in Malaysia to separate used beverage cartons on board, the airline has in its sleeves for an immense Corporate Social Responsibility in September in conjunction with World Cleanup Day.
They recently launched a campaign to separate used beverage cartons onboard.
In conjunction with this “We Are Going Green” campaign, the airline has lined up a series of activities such as trivia questions via its social media platforms and onboard activation of winning prizes when you wear green to show support for this initiative.