Press statement from Dato Seri Nazir Ariff, the founder and president of Children’s Protection Society Penang (CPS).

The Children’s Protection Society (CPS) has come out strong against the recent reports of abuse of children in a shelter home.  

“The horrifying abuse uncovered during the recent “Ops Global” raids on welfare homes linked to GISB Holdings has left me deeply outraged. On September 11, 2024, Malaysian police rescued 402 children from these homes, revealing heart-wrenching details of sexual assault, physical abuse, and horrific neglect. These children, who were meant to be safe and cared for, were instead subjected to unimaginable cruelty by those entrusted with their protection.

“There are no words strong enough to express the anguish and fury that fill my heart as I reflect on the horrifying abuse these children have endured. What should have been places of refuge became sites of unimaginable suffering. Children as young as five—our most innocent and vulnerable—were subjected to brutal physical punishment, sexual assault, and psychological torment. 

“These children, who were meant to be protected, were instead betrayed in the cruelest way imaginable. 

“For over 30 years, the Children’s Protection Society (CPS) has fought to give neglected and abandoned children the love, care, and safety they deserve. And yet, the grotesque nature of the abuse revealed in these recent raids has shaken me to my core. 

“As a nation, we cannot stand silent while children are treated like this. The cries of these children are cries to all of us.

“I urge the authorities to act with urgency and compassion. There is no room for hesitation.

“Those responsible for these unspeakable acts must be brought to justice—immediately and without exception. This is not just about punishment; this is about restoring humanity to children who have had theirs ripped away.

“The safety of our children must never be negotiable. We demand not only immediate action to rescue these children and punish the offenders but a complete overhaul of how welfare homes are monitored. We need a system that leaves no room for such atrocities to happen in the dark, hidden from view, while children suffer in silence.

“At CPS, we stand ready to offer any support we can. But let me be clear: this issue goes beyond a single organization. This is a national crisis, and we must respond as such. The time for change is now. No child in Malaysia, no child in the world, should ever have to endure what these children have lived through.

“I appeal to the government, to the police, and to every Malaysian—let us be relentless in our pursuit of justice. The children are watching, and they are waiting. We must not fail them”. read the statement.

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