By V. Sivaji, editor-in-chief
You may have come across the saying – “It takes all kinds to make a world,” now we can add this interesting individual to the list, Daniel William Noordzy, 44.
He may look appear to be a foreigner with a strong Aussie accent when he speaks English but just wait till he speaks Bahasa Malaysia with a distinct Balik Pulau slang.
“Some people catch the Australian twang when I speak Bahasa Malaysia.
“It is quite funny when they ask me as to whether I am Malay or a Mat Saleh after hearing me talk for a few moments.
“Ingatkan Mat Saleh, tapi cakap Penang macam ayaq” will be their immediate reaction.
“Luckily I spent some time in the Balik Pulau kampung environment whilst growing up, giving me some helpful language advantage in order to get around in Penang,” said Daniel who works as a master rock agent @Beach Club at the Hard Rock Hotel Penang.
Ironically he was born in Queensland, Australia but moved to Melbourne when he was a kid.
“Growing up in Melbourne was quite an adventure. I had a great time at Norwood High School in North Ringwood which was a predominantly a Aussie neighbourhood.
“As a teenager I got into the graffiti era of the early 1990’s listening to Public Enemy, Eric B & Rakim. I eventually enrolled into Swinburne Institute Art School to pursue my interest in art .
“I used to love Summer evenings in Melbourne. Spring was a great time too with a really enjoyable country atmosphere,” he adds.
He also had a mixed group of friends in Melbourne ranging from all different backgrounds during his late teens.
But after spending almost 33 years in Australia, he decided to to sell-up and make a move here to Malaysia in 2011.
Now, he has been here in Malaysia for seven years here although he has been here many times before for holidays with parents to visit Mum’s side of the family.
Why move here some may ask?

“I love the outdoors atmosphere and lifestyle that makes me feel alive especially during the early morning and late evenings.
“I also love the togetherness of the people here. The mix of cultures, the colours, the spirit & the beliefs is actually electrifying when looked at from an open-minded point of view.
“I love positive, kind-hearted and adventurous people. The world needs more of these people.” says Daniel.
Tracing back his childhood, his mum and dad met each other when they were quite young in Malaysia.
“Dad was a young Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) technician posted from Australia to Butterworth in the very early 70’s.
“They soon got married and went back to Australia where dad continued in the RAAF for 20 years and mum worked as tram conductor before progressing to become a tram driver,” he added.
His job involves providing assistance to the Beach Club Recreation & Vibe Manager and to assist the Beach Club team in coordinating entertainment for Hard Rock Hotel fans.
“Many a times I also emcee, vibe dance and organize team building games,” added the bubbly Daniel or Dann to his friends.
“I like working at the Hard Rock Hotel Penang as it offers me the opportunity to be flexible as a personality, the outdoors environment of the Hard Rock Hotel Penang poolside, the enthusiasm of the Beach Club team and a cool Boss,” he adds.
In his free time he likes to travel and take in the sights, do some drawing and do some hiking for exploration.
“I also likes to do gardening as I am known to have a “green thumb”and watch movies. But eventually I enjoy what life has to offer,” he said.
His favourite Australian food is meat pies with tomato sauce and fond Malaysian food is mee goreng mamak.