Janet Lam is the new director of marketing & communications at Amari SPICE Penang

Amari SPICE Penang welcomes its new Director of Marketing & Communications.

Janet Lam comes with prior experience in advertising spending 14 years in the food and beverage as well as hospitality industry, 

Lam has a well-balanced mix of marketing and sales experience, managerial expertise and a strong background in branding, design and digital marketing and communications.

“The various establishments that I have worked for being unique in their product offerings, customer demography, not mentioning operational styles, has helped me develop a strong understanding of the synergy between brand direction, communications and marketing strategies.

“An important part of my work is keeping abreast with current social and technological trends as they are now essential in consumer engagement and community building. 

“Collectively, these experiences have helped me acquire the skills to think and react quickly on my feet to solve problems”, she added.

Penang Hyperlocal congratulates Janet Lam on her appointment and wishes her all the best in her endeavours.