By V. Sivaji

It is said that if you take care of your staff, they will take care of your business.

In keeping with this adage, the Light Hotel Penang hosted their housekeeping team to celebrate the International Housekeepers Week recently.

Present at the ceremony was hotel general manager, Raj Kumar, along with Jessica Chan, Executive Assistant Manager (EAM) of sales, marketing and special project and Hotel Manager, Mohd Hamidi Haron.

They were joined by the other heads of departments too. 

“It is because of you that we have come so far and are still going strong. We want to express our sincere appreciation for the hard work, dedication, and discipline of our staff.

“Their commitment to excellence is truly commendable, and we are grateful for their efforts in contributing to the success of our hotel.

“Thank you for all that you do”, added Raj.

The staff were then treated to a fine lunch and also presented with tokens of appreciation and certificates.

The International Housekeepers Week is held every year during the second full week of September.

It serves to recognize and reward the valuable contributions of the unsung heroes of the housekeeping professionals.

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