With the burgeoning number of hotel coming up in Penang, surely they will need the services of a trusted laundromat to keep their daily linen “spick and span”.

This is exactly what the new Georgetown Laundry hopes to cater for the hospitality industry and other business establishments.

Located off off Gat Lebuh Macallum in George Town, the 12,000 sq ft facility boasts some of the modern washing machines and other equipment.

On hand to join the launch of the official opening ceremony was Pengkalan Kota assemblyman, YB Wong Yuee Harng and other dignataries.

A total of RM3.5 million has been invested to set up the facility, led by its founder and general manager, Louis Loh Chun Hean.

Loh said that they have integrated an advanced filtration system to improve water quality. This includes sand filters, activated carbon filters, a water softener system, and precision filter systems.

He is assisted by his partner, Ms Michele Ann Richards who is a director to handle marketing while Qin Dan, another director along with prominent hotelier, Dato Gulab Mahatam Rai as their advisor.

The new facility offers some 12 washers and 14 dryers along with other relevant machines, including ironers and folders.

The new initiative is a collaboration with Chief Minister Incorporated (CMI).

Check out the Georgetown Laundry when you are around the area.