Working retreat for Penang Exco members
The Penang state government’s Executive Council team led by the Chief Minister YAB Chow Kon Yeow went on a working retreat to Teluk Bahang to re-calibrate their aspirations for Vision Penang 2030 over the weekend.
Among those present were Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Dr Mohamad Abdul Hamid, along with DCM II YB Jagdeep Singh Deo, Tourism Exco YB Wong Hon Wai, Exco for Housing and Environment YB Dato Seri Sundarajoo Somu, Exco for Youth, Sports and Health YB Daniel Gooi, Exco for Infrastructure and Transport Zairil Khir Johari.

Others attending were Rashidi Zinol (Exco for Trade and Entrepreneurial Development & Rural Development, Lim Siew Khim (Exco for Social Development, Welfare and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs), H’ng Mooi Lye (Exco for Local Government and Town & Country Planning) and Fahmi Zainol (Exco for Agrotechnology & Food Security and Cooperative Development).
The excursion also included visits to the Entopia, Batik making outlet, Teluk Bahang dam, the police station there among other places.
Some of the activities also included cycling followed by discussion on matters concerning Vision Penang2030. The off-site meeting also managed to take stock of the challenges and progress made in the state over the years in governance.
With the first 100 days of the new state excos being appointed in the near horizon, surely the members of the public can expect a “report card”on the various executive councillors on their performance soon.