The victorious Kedah/Perlis chapter team
By V. Sivaji
The Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) Northern Region held its inaugural football tournament to choose their representative to their national finals
Teams from the Kedah & Perlis Chapter, Penang Chapter and Perak Chapter took part in the football tournament at the Kopa & USM field.
The tournament was held in a league format where the team with the most points will represent the Northern Region to the National finals in October.
Lending support was MAH National Vice president Dato Khoo Boo Lim, MAH Kedah/Perlis Chapter chairman Eugene Dass, Penang Chapter chairman Tony Goh, Secretary John Kim, Steven Phong, Dennis Lee, Perak Chapter chairman Tony Wong among other supporters.

The Perak MAH team was also even supported by their own set of fans who drove all the way from Ipoh.
After fierce competition, the Kedah/Perlis chapter’s team emerged the winners as they trounced Perak chapter 5-0 in their final game.
Earlier results were Penang 1, Kedah/Perlis 1 and Penang 2, Perak 2 in the league format.
With the victory, they not only won the right to represent the Northern Region in the national finals but also the best team in the region.
The national finals will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Oct 10, 2023.
Penang Hyperlocal wishes and good luck to all finalists.