In an effort to promote the proficiency of the English language, the grand finals of the Penang Open Scrabble Tournament 2024 saw the participation of almost 100 children, teenagers and also young adults.

Present to officiate the competition recently was Penang Deputy Chief Minister 11, YB Jagdeep Singh Deo.

“Our children are our future. I am happy to officiate the grand finals of the Penang Open Scrabble Tournament 2024 which has the participation of almost 100 children, teenagers and young adults.

“As we ensure Bahasa Malaysia will always be our priority, English proficiency is equally important for our future talents to excel in STEM and to thrive in a globalized economy because it is the working language of the modern world, connecting people of different cultures, backgrounds and disciplines.

“I also take this opportunity to wish all of the participants the very best in their competition. I hope you do well in this event”, said Jagdeep.

 Scrabble, invented in 1938, is a word game known to improve the competency of the English language of the participant.

The scrabble game can be played by two or four players.

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