The Penang Hindu Sabah (PHS) held an appreciation gathering for its senior members in conjunction with its momentous 111th year anniversary recently.
The event was held at the Courtyard by Marriott Penang in Georgetown.
In all some 70 guests attend the colourful evening.
Guest of honour for the occasion was Paul Au, the general manager of Harmony Corporation Sdn Bhd who represented State Exco YB Chong Eng.
After a short address by their president, M. Kirubanandan, several senior members were presented with souvenirs of appreciation for their service and dedication.
As part of its run-up to the NGOs celebration of its 111 years anniversary this year, they are also planning a series of events as part of the celebration.
Others present were Dato Mariadass Gopal, Selva Segaran, MDS Paranjothi (Vice presidents), Arvind Poobalan (Hon Secretary), Madam Thanaletchumi ( Assistant Secretary) and K. Sathiasilan (Treasurer) among others.
Meanwhile, the Penang Hindu Sabah was among the 112 establishments recognised at the Penang Centennial Heritage Excellence Awards ceremony held at the Eastern & Oriental Hotel (E & O Hotel) recently.
Guests were also treated to a fine hi-tea session after the formalities.