Penang Chief Minister, Chow Kon Yeow called upon the Federal Government to approve the latest initiative of the state government and the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (Penang Chapter) with regards to the implementation of the RT-PCR testing using saliva samples through the Deep Throat Saliva (DTS) method for mass screening or mass testing among manufacturing sector workers in the state.
“The Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) submitted the proposal to the Ministry of Health (MOH) on May 7, 2021 and it is appropriate to approve it because the method was also proposed by the Director General of Health at the special session of the National Security Council chaired by the Prime Minister on May 10, 2021.
“At the same time, the Federal Government should also review several proposals and letters proposed by the state government since the beginning of this year which not only emphasises on mass screening approach but also vaccination with the private sector.” said Chow in a press statement.
He also added that a letter from about 100 private clinics under the Penang Association of Private Medical Practitioners (PMPS) are ready to offer free Covid-19 vaccine injection services to the people in the state.
“There is also a letter regarding vaccination sponsorship by the private sector for the people of Penang which the state government is still waiting for the “green light” from the relevant ministries.
“As I emphasised from the beginning on the 3T approach, namely, mass testing, tracing and treatment, this formula has never shown weakness in ensuring the people of Penang continue to be fully protected,” added Chow.