The Penang Adventist Hospital (PAH) organised the “Spin for Charity” event at the Gurney Plaza recently.
Spin for Charity is a fun Spin Ride session where participants spin for 30 minutes on a SPIN bike led by popular Spin Cycle Star to raise funds for Dr. J. Earl Gardner Fund.
The event aimed to raise the much needed fund to provide free or subsidised medical treatment to help needy patients. Dr. J Earl Gardner Fund disbursed RM 480,000 and assisted 21 patients in 2021.
This is part of the RM3.1 Million which was disbursed to help a total of 3848 beneficiaries last year.
Spin for Charity saw all participants have a great workout, spinning to the tune of K-pop, Oldies & Pop, Funky & Cool led by cycle stars from Peak Fitness.
Lending support was the State Exco for Youth & Sports, Soon Lip Chee, YB Wong Hon Wai, Member of Parliament for Bukit Bendera, Ronald Koh, President / Chief Executive Officer of Penang Adventist Hospital, Low Wee Wern, Malaysia’s Squash sensation, Helen Tan and Heliene Tan, co-founders of Doublewoot Fasion & influencer among many groups of friends and teams from various organisations.
Apart from Spinning, the event offered complementary health screenings, including testing lood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels, and counselling.
In addition to these, there will be educational programs on health, through the “Know Your Body” program and interactive booths for the public to learn about living a healthier lifestyle.
“The past 40 years seem to have died. Today, I can smell the pungent curry my sister cooked when I walked in the door after returning home from work. I am reborn” said Zakaria, a beneficiary of Dr. J Earl Gardner Fund who lost his sense of smell for the past 40 years due to harsh chemical working environments in the past.
Dr. J Earl Gardner Fund disbursed RM9,000 covering 98% of his surgery cost.
PAH recorded their utmost thanks to Gurney Plaza, the venue sponsor, thank you to Peak Fitness for leading the Spin Sessions, Howei Events as our event registration portal and Pfizer for the health screening.
“Thanks also goes to all donors who believed in our cause and donated, also to all participants who took the effort to spin. Without any of your support, needy patients such as Zakaria will not have the opportunity for state-of-the-art and timely medical treatments.
“With such strong support from all walks of life, Spin for Charity surpassed its fundraising target and raised RM 213,762 in aid of Dr. J Earl Gardner Fund. A testament of strong community support for those who are in need among us,” said Koh.
Penang Adventist Hospital is also genuinely grateful for the trust and support shown to them.
To donate to Penang Adventist Hospital Charity Fund
Payee : Penang Adventist Hospital Charity Fund
Account number : 8605007005
Bank : CIMB Bank