The Sea Trade Cruise Global 2024 conference being held in Miami, Florida in the United States of America from April 8 to 11 is attended by the Malaysian delegation led by Transport Minister YB Anthony Loke accompanied by Penang Port Commission officials.
Among those accompanying the minister are the Director General of the Ministry of Transport, Dato’ Jana Santhiran Muniayan, Dato’ Yeoh Soon Hin as the chairman of PPC, Dr. Vijayaindiran R. Viswalingam as the general manager from the Penang Port Commission, Dato’ Seri Chan Kong Yew as the board of director and Penang Port Sdn Bhd chief executive officer, Dato V. Sasedharan.
Malaysia’s participation as a delegation member at the Sea Trade Cruise Global 2024 Conference is an effort to open a window of new opportunities for the handling of cruise ships and cruise passengers, particularly at the Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal (SPCT), to attract more cruise companies and shipping agents to choose Malaysia as a homeporting destination for key players in the global cruise industry.
SPCT is recognized and remains as a top choice in the world cruise calendar.
Malaysia’s delegations also consisted of 15 representatives from port authorities and cruise terminal operators.
The Penang Port Commission (PPC) is committed to ensuring that port operations remain competitive while promoting the Port of Penang as a key hub in the cruise industry in Malaysia.