In light of a four-year boy who was attacked by a pack of stray dogs,  members of Malaysian Association of Hotels Kedah/Perlis Chapter made a visit to Sultanah Maliha Hospital in Langkawi to check on his progress recently.

They were represented by its committee members Ms Wong Ai Lin, GM Holiday Villa, Abdul Malik Mohamad Hussain GM Nadias Hotel and Siti Nazihan MAH Secretariat.

They visited the boy, Ahmad Raihan at the Sultanah Maliha Hospital, Langkawi. 

The boy is recuperating well and was very active when they visited him. He had sustained wounds on his head, body and hands.

Ahmad will undergo skin grafting soon to repair the head wounds.

The MAH group however were prohibited from taking photos of the boy as the hospital forbids visits by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) etc due to the sensitive nature of the incident. 

They also presented a token amount of donation and a basket of fruits to the boy’s grandmother Fauziah Saad and wished him quick recovery.

Meanwhile, also in a related MAH Kedah/Perlis Chapter related development, the members gathered for a break of fast session held at the Bella Vista Hotel in Kuah yesterday.

Present at the gathering was their chairman, Eugene Dass and his committee members.

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