By V. Sivaji
The 50th anniversary of George Town-Adelaide sister city relationship reception and celebration was attended by a select group of guests.
The gathering was held at Suffolk House here.
On hand to welcome the Governor of South Australia, Her Excellence Madan Frances Adamson AG was Penang Chief Minister YAB Chow Kon Yeow and Penang City Mayor Dato A Rajendran.
Also present was Ms Clare Gatehouse, Counsellor Australian High Commission, Penang Deputy Chief Minister 11 YB Jagdeep Singh Deo, celebrity Chef Adam Liaw, Consul Generals from the various consultants based here, representatives from the business community among others.

HE Excellency Madam Frances Adamson is making her maiden visit to George Town.
In his address, Chow hailed the efforts of the Premier of South Australia, the late Don Dunstan for late Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu for the sister city connection way back on Dec 8, 1973.

“The sister city status between Adelaide and George Town should be the impetus to further boost tourism opportunities as well as strengthen meaningful exchanges in other fields.
“I was also informed that we do have an increasing number of Penangites studying or working in Adelaide. Seeing that we have yet to have a direct flight between Penang and Adelaide, can this perhaps be a low-hanging fruit for us to mark the beginning of our next 50-year of relations?. asked Chow in his remarks.
Guests had a gala time mingling and acquainting themselves with new friends and contacts.