Dato Seri Leslie Lee with Fazlul
The Hard Rock Cafe Penang held its Pinfest 2023 with participation of collectors from far and near.
Some of them had travelled from as far as Johor Bahru, Ipoh, and Kuala Lumpur to gather for the much sought after event. Such was their passion and interest.
In all, about 30 collectors had registered for the gathering to exchange and gather new collectibles.
Present to welcome the guests was the hotel’s new Executive Assistant Manager of HRH Penang, Tobias Lackermeier who hails from Munich, Germany along with Hard Rock Cafe manager Prakash Muthiah and their team.
Other than the auction and raffle draw, the in-house band also performed for guests.

This year proceeds from the Pinfest will go towards the D’ Home Mental Health Association in Bukit Jambul.
The association offers free counseling for those with mental issues with therapies, group activities, therapeutic gardening, cooking classes, rehabilitation, psycho therapy among other programmes.
“I had my own personal experience with mental disorders as my own brother was suffering from this problem. It was not easy to see him go through with his condition.
“At a very young age, I decided to help people suffering from these issues,” said Dato Seri Leslie Lee who is the founder of the D’Home.
He also added that they want to create awareness of the problem and improve the quality of life.
The association also offers counselling by appointment. Guests were also treated to a video presentation of the association’s activities. They hope to utilise the funds to upgrade kitchen facilities at the centre.
They also have volunteers to assist at the home and help the community while Dr Teh Ewe Eow head physiatrist unit at the Penang General Hospital heads the team.

HRH Penang F&B team
Among the participants at the Pinfest was Fazlul Azlee Md Yusof from Kuala Lumpur who is a Quantity surveyor by profession.
He started collecting in 2008 and has a collection valued at around RM150,000.
I have also travelled the world in pursuit of my passion and have friends all over the world,” he said, adding that he hopes to travel to Denmark, Norway, Sweden soon.
Another collector was N. Durai from Johor Bahru who has been involved since 2015. He had visited Hard Rock Cafes all over the country and neighbouring countries like Bangkok, Cambodia and Indonesia.
“I work part-time as a music teacher and I think I have around 1,000 pins to-date,” said Durai who was accompanied by his wife.
Another collector was Rizal from Ipoh who has been collecting for past 10 years

Rizal from Ipoh